Revitalising Manly Sea Life Sanctuary: A New Chapter Begins

Manly Sea Life Sanctuary
Photo Credit: Google Maps

Manly Beach is set to witness a significant transformation as the derelict Manly Sea Life Sanctuary, closed and abandoned since 2018, gets redeveloped.

Preliminary work, which started this December 2023, includes site investigations in the water, around the existing boardwalk, and inside the old aquarium building. 

The New South Wales (NSW) Government owns the site and intends to demolish the old aquarium building.

The plan is to expand the existing promenade at the end of West Esplanade, making room for outdoor dining, seating, and recreational uses. The redevelopment will reconnect the historic Swimmers Pavilion and other heritage buildings with the beach.

The project also aims to enhance the Manly Cove area, offering new opportunities for recreation and dining while preserving the area’s heritage.  

Manly Sea Life Sanctuary
Photo Credit: Lisa Tang/Google Maps

Part of the preliminary work also involves concrete core drilling and sea level studies to understand the impact on the Manly West Esplanade beach after the aquarium’s demolition. This process might be noisy but measures will be taken to reduce noise and dust.

During the redevelopment, the Manly Sea Life Santuary site will be inaccessible with temporary fencing and shade cloth mesh.

Manly Sea Life Sanctuary
Photo Credit: Andrey Sulitsky/Google Maps

The community eagerly anticipates the revitalisation of this once-popular location, promising a refreshing change to the Manly Beach landscape. Recently, the site has been targeted by vandals and so-called “urban explorers”, prompting Transport for NSW to hire private security guards. Locals have also expressed concerns about anti-social behaviour and safety risks.

For more detailed information, visit the Transport for NSW website.